Complete the following process for any staff development funds request
Complete the Staff Development Request Form
Ask your building secretary for the form
- Attach Staff development information such as conference registration, descriptions, etc.
- This form does not replace the Expense Reimbursement Form/Process
At a minimum of four weeks prior to the activity, the form must be routed to the appropriate person listed below:
- Educator Requests: Building Principal
- Athletics/Activities: Activities Director
- Special Education: Special Education Director
Request will be approved or not approved based upon alignment to Building Goals, teaching/learning needs at the time of the staff development opportunity, funds available, and substitute availability
- If approved, Staff making request schedules a substitute through the Frontline (Aesop) system. The substitute request should indicate Staff Development Leave.
- If approved, Staff will also complete a request for a purchase order in the SMARTeR system for the registration fees and lodging fees is applicable. Once the purchase order has been approved, the requestor will receive a copy of the purchase order to use for their online registration.
- If approved, within two weeks of completing the Staff development activity, the staff will complete a Request for Reimbursement Form for any approved expenses incurred during the event. If not approved, Staff making request will be informed.
- All completed forms will be housed at the designated Building Department, tracked by Building Principal/Special Education Director and available for review by the Business Office.
Transportation to/from Staff Development activity should be through the use of a TCU District vehicle if available. If not available, transportation should be through carpool arrangements and mileage reimbursement will be made for carpool vehicle(s). If the request is for an individual and a District vehicle is not a viable option, mileage reimbursement will be from school or home, whichever is closer.